Dual DC power supply. Input voltage is 3 x 400 V. Output is 2 x 13.8 V
(common ground), 2 x 22 A, short circuit and over voltage protected.
Technical description
One of three pieces of audio equipment used in my local audio network. The input selector chooses one (or more than one) of four stereo channels and passes the signal to a line output and, via volume controls, to a loudspeaker output (for active speakers) and a headphone output. XLR connectors are used for symmetric line input and line output (input impedance >10 kOhm, output impedance <1 Ohm, max output level +18 dBm).
One of three DCF 77 clocks with large display and RS 232 output (for setting the computer's clock during booting). Circuitry, microprocessor software and print layout were developed from scratch by my son Arvin. See DCF77 for details.